As we approach the time of year where the possibility of rain at matches becomes greater, it is important to ensure that everyone attending matches at Top Field is aware of the restrictions we now face to ensure that social distancing is maintained at all times by our spectators, including in wet weather.

Historically when it rains, there has been a tendency for everybody to congregate under the three covered areas of the ground. However, in these times of uncertainty and restriction at our matches, that will not be possible.

We have a maximum number of people that we can allow in each of the three covered areas to ensure safe social distancing. With immediate effect, and particularly if it rains – once the maximum safe number for that area has been reached, access to that area will be closed and no more spectators will be allowed to enter the area. In such circumstances, this will mean that should you wish to continue watching the game, you will need to do so in one of the uncovered areas.

We therefore strongly recommend that if rain is forecast, you bring protect waterproof clothing in the event that you can’t enter a covered area.

We cannot stress enough that even if you are in a covered area, you must at all times maintain social distancing of at least one metre plus. You co-operation in this is critical if we are to maintain football being played at Top Field at this time. The implications of us being unable to ensure an environment where every single spectator can say that they feel safe would be severe.

Thank you for doing your bit to help keep football being played at Top Field.

Chris Newbold
Communications Manager, Hitchin Town FC