I am now able to advise you all that our celebration of Frank’s life will be held at the Canary Club on Thursday 1st September, starting at 2pm.
Frank was a very popular man at the Club, and it would be great if as many folks as possible could put in an appearance to celebrate all the time and effort he put in at the Club. Frank’s sister, niece and her partner will be attending.
A buffet is to be provided, but so that we can get the correct numbers I would ask if you could just get in touch with me at chris.newbold@hitchintownfc.club or Roger Berry at roger.berry@hitchintownfc.club to let us know if you are attending, or you can advise me with any other means of communication but please make sure I have written your name down – can’t recall verbal transactions!
I’d be grateful if you could please let me have this information by the end of Friday 26th August please, so that I can advise the caterers.
Many Thanks – Chris