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Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 3:04 pm
by Chris_N
Well the game has now hit a new low, where in Turkey a referee was punched by a Club President and all domestic football in that country has been suspended indefinitely.

It got me thinking about last night's game, where some of the behaviour that I observed from our fans was....well let's say not good. Fans of all ages. Unacceptable foul and abusive over the top language all directed at last night's referee. Young and old.

Why do "fans" watching soccer games think it's ok to attend game after game and abuse the referee? Why do they regard match officials as being from the distant planet Zog and therefore different? Imagine if you came to every game and were subjected to abuse because someone thought your performance as a fan was cr@p? Would that be ok then? Would YOU just brush it off and not react? You expect the referee to!

What I saw and heard night might have been the norm in the 70s, 80s, 90s - but not in 2023. It is not the Hitchin way of today, it is not the Hitchin culture. Older fans setting no example to the impressionable younger fans.

I hope that the Club will take appropriate steps in the future to address the foul language - and anyone heard uttering the "c" word immediately ejected and banned. That's how strongly I feel.

If it persists....well it's not the Hitchin Town I want to support. The referee may in the eyes of many had a stinker, but the abuse of him last night was unacceptable.

What I'd like to see happen is that anyone at the game last night who sees my posting will take a good look at themselves and say: "As a fan, did I represent the Club I support in the way they would have hoped?". The referees and match officials are HUMAN BEINGS and at least deserve to be afforded respect to that degree! Imagine if the majority of them said: "Don't need that abuse anymore" and gave it up?

Where would our game be?


Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 3:25 pm
by Kate Deller
Good post!

I was embarrassed last night and I am a potty mouth!

Please can we all remember that there are younger supporters coming to our matches and we must try and lead by example. The behaviour of some was embarrassing and incited others on.

We are trying to make Top Field feel safe for all; a place to bring the family. This is something volunteers have fought hard for over the last 5 years or more.

Don't ruin it!


Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 7:45 am
by DarrenW
Chris_N wrote: Tue Dec 12, 2023 3:04 pm I hope that the Club will take appropriate steps in the future to address the foul language - and anyone heard uttering the "c" word immediately ejected and banned. That's how strongly I feel.
100% agree. The days are gone when you could say what you liked at a game.

Perhaps making the code of conduct that was around a few years ago more visible to all supporters? But then again no-one should have to be told right from wrong. There's somethings you just dont do and anyone with sense would know this.

With regards to the treatment of referee's unfortunately it's ingrained in the game and long considered part of the fabric of bashing the ref. Some take it much to far but changing this will take years and certainly no quick fix. Thing's are improving though and mean that as a general statement.


Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 11:49 pm
by Mr Refreshment
I mostly agree with what has been said.
However following Kate's comments about young people attending what is to done about the actions of certain players which the officials ignore?
I am talking about the actions of the Leiston keeper perpetually time wasting and most disgustingly making an obscene sexual gesture towards the crowd which included young children.


Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 8:24 am
by Kate Deller
Thanks for your responses.

We all follow a conduct of behaviour and that covers the players too.

Lets hope it was just a blip.

Its great to see so many teenagers coming in groups they are our future supporters; lets just show them the right way to support. It would be a travesty if all the hard work to make it a family atmosphere was lost.

Merry Christmas everyone.