Roy’s recent weekly bulletin made mention of the Budweiser scheme set up to help the clubs and pubs of the UK get through their imposed shutdown. This really is a money for nothing situation – a genuine win – win for everyone other than Bud?
Even if you are an infrequent patron of the Canary Club all we are encouraging supporters to do is buy a voucher online through which can be redeemed against any product sold from the Canary Club bar. You need not spend the whole value of the voucher at one go and if you want to buy to “take home” that’s possible too. All you are doing is paying upfront and thereby providing the Club with essential cash flow which would otherwise be non-existent. Vouchers come in £5 units up to £100 and Bud have committed to match the face value of each voucher with an identical donation to the Club.
The process is fully explained on the savepublife site.
There is a ceiling on payments to each participating pub of £1000 – wouldn’t it be great if we could pick up a maximum? Those fives, tens and twenties all add up. A hundred people paying a tenner, or fifty paying twenty is all it takes. Other combinations are available – only ten fans required if they each buy a £100 voucher!
It might take a week or two to redeem, but maybe not – we will all be looking forward to a good drink by then anyway!
Whatever cash is raised from this venture will be earmarked for spending on the upkeep of the clubhouse.
The graphic above once again emphasises the simplicity of this system. If you are a regular at the Club or an occasional visitor, you can really help us by joining in. Thank you in advance for your support.