Sponsor a box at the cider festival
Our Cider and Cheese Festival, at the Canary Club on 14-15 July, is indebted to IDNet – the title sponsor of the event. We would also like to thank everyone who has already sponsored a box of cider at the festival. The list to date is shown below.
There is still time for other organisations or individuals to sponsor a cider box. Sponsorship starts at £50 to sponsor one cider box. The £50 package secures 2 free tickets for each day, 2 free glasses, 2 free pints each day, naming rights on a cider box, a link on the Cider Festival page on our website, and featuring in the tasting notes.
Anyone interested in sponsoring should contact Alan Clark on 07772056715 or at alansuec@gmail.com.
Thanks to our sponsors to date:
Terry Barratt
Dave Tudball
Macron (KLM)
Jason Archer, Red Lion, Great Offley
Ray Lambe, Red Lion, Preston
Hi Standard Studios
Raymond James Investment Services
Screenbond (sponsoring two boxes)
Paul Carpenter