Hitchin Town FC have received a great boost courtesy of their landlords, the Cow Commoners Trust. To help the Club out as they struggle to cope with the effects of Coronavirus, the Cow Commoners have agreed to forego the rent due for the quarter to 25th June. With no football income and the social club now being closed, finances are being severely stretched as many fixed costs are still having to be met despite the lack of income.
Managing Director Andy Melvin was quick to express his gratitude to the trustees of the Cow Commoners Trust:
“This is a magnificent gesture of support at a very difficult time and I want to thank the trustees for showing such benevolence. They have not just deferred this quarter’s rent but have decided to agree to a rent free quarter. This will obviously really help our cash flow. This gesture shows how much our relationship with the Cow Commoners Trust has continued to improve and develop in recent times.”
Treasurer Roy Izzard echoed Andy Melvin’s comments.
“I am so grateful to the trustees for their generosity. Not having to pay this quarter’s rent will enable us to more easily pay other fixed costs and will really help us get through this difficult period.”
Alan Doggett clerk of the Trust said the trustees were happy to support the club in these strange times.