On Saturday 13th October, Non-League Day 2018, our Commentary Team will take to the road and broadcast from Bedworth United FC, bringing live match commentary to your homes and workplaces. Our grateful thanks to Bedworth United for allowing us to achieve this, it really is ground breaking for Hitchin Town FC.
Your support for the travelling team of commentators; Brian Gray, Freddie Cardy and Annelise Barnes, would be appreciated. Once again, this opportunity is made possible by the wonderful Becky Phillips at North Herts FM for her time and technology.
The show will go live 2:45pm on Saturday, please do tune in and listen. You can also tweet to the North Herts FM twitter account to get a shout out, so let us know you are listening in. These interactions are a great help to the commentators.
Download the Android/Apple app (Search for “North Herts FM”) or listen on the website by clicking here.
North Herts FM is a truly, non-commercial, community Radio Station. Please do support this station not only during the matches but also listen in to their varied music shows and tri-weekly Community focus.