This Wednesday will see the start of a new initiative, the WVA!
This summer a rather wonderful group of people came to our aid and helped clean up the Canary Club Garden and clear years of neglect from around the club. None of us want to see this go to waste and so the monthly Wednesday Voluntary Army has been founded. As you all know the club is run on a volunteer basis and this initiative will help keep up the good work that was put in this summer.
Eventually we would like to add to our Army of volunteers, people who have carpentry, roofing, gardening, painting and general handy skills that will help with the upkeep of the club. This is something that would suit retirees as they would be able to meet up during the day on a Wednesday, but anyone who has the spare time is welcome. A small list of jobs will be compiled for the Army and people can do a little or as much as they choose, no one is counting hours and no one is expected or allowed to carry out work they are not capable of.
Once a month meets on a Wednesday will make a massive difference to a club like ours and no matter how few or many hours you have to spare, every little counts.
This week, Alan Jordan will be starting in the Canary Club Garden again, just to rake up leaves from the lime trees and place them in a dumpy bag for me to get down the tip. He will be meeting at 9am in The Canary Club Garden if anyone would like to help him, I know he would appreciate the company. Bring your own rake and gloves.
If you think you have the time to offer, this Wednesday and any future ones please do give a shout out, it makes it worthwhile knowing there are other like minded people out there. We hope to put a reward system in place for regular volunteers, whilst it is good to give time, it is also good to receive recognition for hard work.
We will give good notice of the Wednesday Meet in future to allow people to make plans. It would be fantastic to build a good band of people and a great way to socialise with your fellow supporters, it’s a fun and enriching way to help your Club.
So, if you’re interested, we’d love to welcome you into this new social volunteering group. You have two options:
- The first meet-up will be tomorrow, Wednesday 27th November, at 9am outside the Canary Club. Come and join the friendly faces for the first meet.
- If you cannot make tomorrow, drop me an email at kate.deller@hitchintownfc.club or a call/text on 07966 366664 and I’ll be sure to keep you informed of future meet-ups.
Thank you and look forward to seeing this initiative grow.